
Hello Everyone

You may have noticed that I have been tinkering with the layout of this website.  Being a computer idiot, I am a perfectionist.  That being said, I am not entirely happy with the navigation on this layout, but it is "responsive."  That means the website should scale to your device. To go back one page, there is a left pointing arrow left of the title of this blog. At any rate, I will do my best to leave well enough alone now with the site navigation and not drive people crazy with constant changes. But, I cannot promise anything so eternal.  Cheers.

Fortney Family Tree and History Power Point Presentation

0. Fortney Centenial Reunion 2007 TIMED by Anthony Rock on Scribd

Welcome the the Fortney Family Tree and History

Anyone who wants to access this account as an administer to post information about the Fortney family is welcome to contact me.